New WCPSS Discipline Data “deeply disappointing and egregious”
New WCPSS Discipline Data “deeply disappointing and egregious”

EJA Co-Executive Director Jenice Ramirez issues statement after release of WCPSS 2023-2024 Summary Discipline Report

The Wake County Public School System released new data Tuesday showing the rate of discipline at all schools in the school district. The data shows special needs students and students of color continue to be suspended more often than non-disabled and white students. Here is the full statement in response to the findings from our Co-Executive Director Jenice Ramirez:

This data, while not surprising, is still deeply disappointing and egregious. Black and Latine students account for over 70% of suspensions, with some schools reporting 100% of suspended students are Black. This highlights systemic inequities that extend beyond individual educator training. It shows us the need to cultivate a culture that genuinely cares for all students and why our work at Education Justice Alliance is so important. We encourage families to dig into the data and know their rights.

In October, WCPSS was awarded significant funding for mental health services. These resources should be strategically utilized to address the root causes of the glaring disparities shown in this recent disciplinary report. By prioritizing more mental support and actively working to dismantle systemic biases, WCPSS can create a school culture where every student, regardless of race or background, is treated with dignity, care, and respect. Transformative change is not only possible; it is necessary.

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