Letha Muhammad

Letha Muhammad

 Co-Executive Director

Letha Muhammad is the Co-Executive Director of the Education Justice Alliance (EJA), based in Raleigh, North Carolina. As Co-Director, Letha is working to advance the organization’s impact on dismantling the School to Prison and School to Deportation Pipeline in their local school district, Wake County Public Schools, and in other districts across the state.  She believes that one of the most effective ways to dismantle the School to Prison Pipeline is to work with parents and families directly impacted by this issue which will help ensure that Black and other students of color have access to quality education. Her work includes engagement and leadership training with parents, families, and community members to ensure they know their rights and how to advocate for themselves and their students. Working with other community stakeholders and organizations to bring awareness to the issue of school pushout is another one of her key roles as director. Letha represents EJA on the Coordinating Committee of the National Dignity in Schools Campaign and serves as their fundraising/finance committee co-chair. Letha is also a member of Muslims for Social Justice (MSJ) and on the Movement to End Islamophobia and Racism (MERI) steering committee. She is a wife and the mother of one school-age child and two young adults.

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